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Thursday, 30 April 2009

Nasi goreng

Makan NAsi Goreng, bikin kita banyak minum sering merasa haus sehabis makan nasi goreng,tentunya makin banyak kita mminum makin sehatlah tubuh kita,ginjal kita jadi sehat
jadi makan Nasi goreng merangsang kita untuk minum,apalagi habis makan Nasi goreng-
kita minum teh botol dingin,atau minum air teh tawar misalnya rasanya mantap.
memang kami disini tidak menyediakan teh botol dingin,tapi kalo anda berminat memesan teh botol dingin misalnya,kami bersedia,karena Diwarnet menyediakan berbagai minuman dingin.jadi kami tidak repot-repot untuk membelinya ke toko,tinggal ambil.....jadi deh.

Nasi goreng

kami adalah seorang pedagang kaki lima,yang berjualan di pinggir jalan,
kami berjualan Nasi goreng tepatnya di depan Warnet imago Cikuda.kami mengadu nasib di rantau orang,tanah kelahiran kami Tegal,merantau di bandung hingga sampai di jatinangor,kurang lebih sudah 3th,
kami mencoba membuka lapak untuk ber jualan di jatinangor,jualan Makanan.
Diantaranya sebagai berikut:
Nasi goreng Gila,NAsi Gila,Nasi mawut.ini termasuk menu utama
kalo menu biasa yang pasti anda sudah pasti tahu,di antaranya ,,,
NAsi goreng,
Mie goreng-Rebus
Bihun goreng-Rebus
Kwetiau goreng -Rebus
Capcay goreng-Rebus
inilah menu-menu yang kami sajikan di sini,sangat-sangat sederhana,tidak terlalu mahal tentunya,murah meriah


Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Disini kami menyediakan Berbagai macam2 menu Diantaranya;
Nasi goreng,
Nasi goreng Gila
Nasi goreng mawudt
Nasi Gila
Mie goreng,Rebus
Selera Rakyat
Harga bersahabat,Hanya ....7000,sampai 8000"
silahkan kunjungi kami,Tepatnya Depan Warnet IMAGO, JL jatinangor Cikuda

Buka setiap hari, Mulai pukul 16-30 s/d 00-30.
kami menerima pesanan,

Nasi goreng Belacan

Thursday, 26 March 2009

There. On the home page of our hills. we crawl every morning to the slopes berbatu. Do'a inter-do'a who has been a seed. Seed flower purple carnations similar. We can not afford to bear a lot of multicolored flowers. Our land dry land but not fuse negerimu: a country with hills of sand, where the sun beam scan with a very sharp eye.

O thou, a man with a pinion Na'amah in the chest. We persembahkankan spray purple flowers every morning to menemanimu the woman in the country. With all the simplicity and the womb of leluka: we hug each other and crave her yourself as a leader of the martyr
Full face weak seam lines of the face ripen. Lamunannya fly with a 'garuda' is ripe feather silk in the body. Occasionally he looks down in the neck knit fingers-the-heel and full mounting worry-grated ruah sekujur body. Rautnya slowly drizzle water presage gloomy eyes no longer afford it stank. Mouth, muttering, to the rhythm of the membisikan Jagad this.

Duhai Tuan,
I enjoy maknaMu choke
Musing condemnation rush kutelan
I be pursued within

RupaMu in so many body tuaku
Elok-menyaru sapphire stones
Once the heavy burden that tlah glued
Elok menyaruk in a bitter-tart

Eyes open, sharp like the sun but still muffled matahatinya. With the soft drizzle it clear in the eyes before a storm. There is no hate in his heart, let alone retaliate. Disappointed not only because of the power. Sounded again, this time half-whisper, persaksiannya into a rhythm.

Duhai Tuan,
Kulahirkan son woo the daughter-death
Seed for 'moral and character'

But Lord,
Kulahirkan they also contradict the death
To bring 'greed and hate'

Back speculation mengawang seatas cloud, he smiled at the 'garuda' terlanjur become the idols in one of the body. No more heavy, he muntahkan items: natural, condemnation, suffering, anger, and hate the ditelannya flatly. Then take do'a plateful, poems, and a glass of water release from the opposition dzikir mouth. Chewed until soft and not a crumb was left. He knew, knew that her body is being properly contain beribu the suitor berjuta even death. While he mengucap belch rhythm again.

Monday, 23 March 2009

If diriku lost friend, I can tantu
entertain themselves with another friend.
Hilanglah feel so lost it.

If I lose the property, I can arrange
return the plan to be more diligent work.
Hata that all objects that have been lost can terganti again.

But now I longed to feel the loss of heart
who can bring a picture dihatiku sweet smile.
Where this direction must be in feet to find the bidder
or replacement ..?
What can treat acute sense of the eternal in my heart this ..
Do not run with the feeling
walk with the mind because the feeling does not always reliable

always many ways to educate themselves
facilities and equipment available everywhere for a person still has the desire to learn

knowledge of any use
they will harm themselves

hardtack, better than a lot of wealth dipertengkarkan

science will not be reduced
will be added when

less in the better fight
without surrender of the attempt

the sun may not arise from the west
but you may only arise from the pity

accept all the suffering
as where you receive a happiness

the most corrupt on earth is
the most stupid

find happiness over the suffering of others
is a laudable action that is not
A bell that berdentang
When the silence flag
Slalu a longing to play rhythm
And you always want to come

Rindu bagai mentari
The day came dipagi
Giving warmth
Occasionally sengatan

Or ..
How nostalgic days
That come with the red-faced
Memayungi night with the rays temaram
And I still want you coming.
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